consumer protection
Lordflex’s has long adopted the product labelling system specified in the new Consumption Code – Italian Legislative Decree No. 206.
The product data sheet attached to any product we sell follows an EU mandatory standard on the protection of consumer’s rights and manufacturers’ responsibility.
Said standard aims to protect consumers in terms of:
- health protection;
- safety and quality of purchased products;
- adequate information and fair advertising;
- honesty, transparency and fairness in contractual relationships.
The following information must be clearly shown on all products too:
- official name and commodity group of the product;
- style and registered office of the manufacturer;
- country of origin;
- materials used and processing methods;
- instructions, cautionary information, intended use and disposal;
- any presence of materials or substances prone to causing damage to people and the environment.
The law prohibits the sale of products that do not comply with said standard as a crime against consumers.
Actually, Lordflex’s is one of the few companies in the industry that fully complies with the standard , in particular as concerns transparency in the declaration about the materials used.
Lordflex’s sews and applies to its mattresses a permanent label so that any information required by the law is always visible and traceable for the product’s entire life cycle.